
Latest Sightings

We have some early morning reports of Biggs Killer Whales very close by our Cowichan Bay location as well as reports of Humpback Whales 15 minute

Updated 8:29am Tuesday, June 18

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Sustainability, Conservation, Education & Research

Ocean Ecoventures is a marine eco tourism company that focuses on marine conservation, public outreach and education since 2003. Ocean Ecoventures also provides scientific and logistical vessel support for marine research operations.

At Ocean EcoVentures we consider the whales and wildlife we encounter our extended family and the Salish Sea our shared home. There are few places in the world where one can witness creatures from the smallest marine invertebrates to some of the largest marine mammals in an afternoon. The biodiversity of Salish Sea is truly astounding and it must be preserved and protected for generations to come. On our adventures it’s easy to embrace the interconnectivity of the Salish Sea ecosystem. Our team strives to educate and inspire our guests to become ambassadors for the Salish Sea and reflect on how we can make a difference.


Our mantra is “People protect what they love and love what they understand” so we are here to help make that happen. As a proud member of 1% for the Planet Ocean EcoVentures donates annually to local not for profits supporting whale and wildlife conservation efforts. We also support local researchers to help their conservation and research efforts. The vessels we operate have the quietest sound footprint in the industry for the whales and marine mammals we view.

At Ocean Ecoventures, we are constantly looking to improve and make our business as green as possible. We have always consider ourselves stewards on the water and we want our business methods to reflect that. That’s why we went have gone through the process with the Vancouver Island Green Business Certification, which entailed a third party assessment by a verifier contracted and trained by the Synergy Sustainability Institute to assess how our business operates and how to improve and make everything we do more environmentally friendly. We are happy to say, we received a green certification!

At Ocean EcoVentures, we recognize the importance of addressing our environmental impact. We’re reducing the carbon emissions footprint of our operations and supporting renewable energy in Canada by choosing green electricity through our partnership with Bullfrog Power.

Across Canada, Bullfrog’s green electricity comes from a blend of wind and low-impact hydro power sourced from new Canadian renewable energy facilities. Our green energy purchase is also helping to support to new, community-based renewable energy projects in our region and across Canada. That’s because Bullfrog Power uses its customers’ support to provide funding to these projects. Learn more about how the Bullfrog Power community is advancing these projects here bullfrogpower.com/greenenergy.

Ocean EcoVentures have committed to reducing our plastic footprint in the day to day operations in our office and on our boats with our commitment to Surfrider Vancouver Island. Surfrider Vancouver Island has partnered with the Vancouver Island Green Businesses Certification (VIGBC) program to launch a new campaign that links businesses to responsible actions that will help keep our local beaches and waterways clean. Surfrider Approved Businesses are granted a certification for taking leadership in reducing their overall plastic footprint.


We view our vessels as floating classrooms and our captains and marine naturalist as educators. All of our captains and naturalists are formally trained and have worked within marine eco tourism for many years. Our lead captains also work as whale researchers studying local killer whale pods which, again, gives our passengers a better understanding of the animals. Many of our captains are photographers and provide their photos to local researchers to continue our understanding of these ocean giants. Our vessel staff training includes a heavy emphasis on conservation. We aren’t out there to just watch whales. Our goal is to inspire our passengers to want to make changes in their daily lives to help benefit the whales and oceans and we give them the tools to do so.


Ocean EcoVentures has aided local whale and wildlife researchers since it’s inception in 2003. Ocean Ecoventures specializes in whale identification and we are certified marine mammal observers. Our expertise and focus is on eco-tourism expeditions, as well as vessel support for marine science assessments. Our vessels are chartered for environmental data collection, field and logistical support as well as water quality sampling for the Capital Regional District. The eco-tour team has 18 years of experience in operating vessels in the proximity of marine mammals, primarily for photo identification and behavioural observations of cetacean species that occur in the Salish Sea. Vessel operators contribute to both academic research and scientific baseline studies (e.g., vessel noise impacts and water sampling), collectively offering extensive experience in mechanics and vessel systems.

Ocean Ecoventures staff and captains have extensive experience operating vessels and providing scientific and logistical support for marine science and research as well as industrial operations. All of our operations and on the water staff have over 15 years of experience providing on the water.

Our Office Initiatives

  • On those cold days, we offer fair trade hot chocolate that will be provided in biodegradable cups and lids.
  • We recycle everything thing we can to help reduce or waste!
  • Our brochures are printed on 100% recycled material with vegetable based inks.
  • We print as little as possible but when we do, we print double sided and use Sugar Sheet copy paper, which is 100% forest free.
  • We are using cleaning products and soaps from the Nanaimo Soap Exchange. They provide great eco-friendly 100% biodegradable products that are made here in Canada.
  • Our bathrooms use 100% recycled toilet paper and paper towel and are equipped with low flow sinks and toilets
  • Biodegradable garbage and shopping bags.
  • Our art gallery in the office is stocked with work from local and indigenous artists including some products that donate a portion of the sale price back towards conservation efforts in our area.
  • LED lighting is used in our office
  • We encourage all of our passengers to use reusable water bottles and installed a bottle-refill system in our office.
  • We have partnered with Flow Water who provides spring water in a sustainable package and that can be purchased in our office.

Boat Initiatives

  • Any oil that is changed from our boats including filters and pads is picked up and recycled with Terrapure.
  • We use Suzuki, lean burn and Mercury 4 stroke motors, which are the cleanest burning outboard motors made.
  • Our boat staff training includes a heavy emphasis on conservation. We aren’t out there to just watch whales. Our goal is to inspire our passengers to want to make changes in their daily lives to help benefit the whales and oceans and we give them the tools to do so.
  • Many of our captains are photographers and provide their photos to local researchers to continue our understanding of these ocean giants.
  • Our lead captains also work as whale researchers studying local killer whale pods which, again, gives our passengers a better understanding of the animals.

1% for the Planet

The evidence is overwhelming: climate change is an imminent threat. Our lands, waters, and species are threatened like never before. If we don’t act now, the viability of our planet and our quality of life face a serious threat. The 1% for the Planet team collaborates with businesses, like ours, to identify environmental organizations for us to donate towards that will have the greatest positive impact on the environment. Members of this great group have donated hundreds of millions of dollars to the environment and we are so happy to be a part of that. We will be donating 1% of our annual gross revenue to the following:

  • Center for Whale Research
  • Bay Cetology
  • Pacific Salmon Foundation
  • Saturna Island Marine Research & Education Society
  • Marine Education & Research Society
  • Goldstream Salmon Enhancement Association
  • Sooke River Chinook Salmon Initiative
  • Vancouver Island Surfrider Association
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