Latest Sightings
We have some early morning reports of Biggs Killer Whales very close by our Cowichan Bay location as well as reports of Humpback Whales 15 minute
Updated 8:29am Tuesday, June 18
At Ocean EcoVentures we firmly believe making grassroots change through education and conservation at a household level can help our local marine ecosystem. These changes can be applied to any ecosystem worldwide and make a difference. We view our vessels as floating classrooms and love to share our conservation message and inspire change with our guests on every single tour we operate.
Our mantra is “People protect what they love and love what they understand” so we are here to help make that happen. Ocean EcoVentures donates $2 from every passenger’s fare directly into whale and wildlife conservation efforts. We also support local researchers to help their conservation and research efforts. The vessels we operate have the quietest sound footprint in the industry for the whales and marine mammals we view.