Yes! Parksville is strategically located in the heart of Biggs Killer Whales and Humpback Whales travel territories. With the help of a large whale spotting network, we are able to locate whales on most days during the spring and summer months. Our vessel can travel great distances in minimal time, ensuring more time spent with the whales. We are proud to announce that in 2020 we had a success rate of 97% for the season.
Thirty minutes prior to your scheduled departure time.
Yes! We are a small family run company that tends to sell out most days in the busy summer months. So to ensure you are able to book the day and departures time that best fits your schedule we suggest you make a reservation as soon as your travel plans are made. You can book securely online on our website or over the phone. We answer the phone daily between 8am and 11pm.
Our all-inclusive marine tours provide you with everything you’ll need. Upon arriving at our office you will be fitted for a warm floatation suit and given gloves, a hat, goggles and sunscreen. It is recommended to wear a warm sweater or jacket and comfortable pants. Also worth bringing: water to drink and a camera.
Rigid Hull Inflatable boats are incredibly stable, due in large part to their substantial buoyancy tubes (which act as shock absorbers) and resultant low center of gravity. They are practically impossible to capsize. Inflatable boats, with their deep V hull innovation, are designed for sea worthiness and safety, and are used by law enforcement and Coast Guard personnel around the world. Our skillful captain and Coast Guard certified boat will provide you with a reliable and exciting way to experience the scenic shores of Vancouver Island.
Our whale and wildlife adventure tours are offered from the comfort and safety of our three open 12 passengers vessels. We operate two rigid hull inflatable boats and a hard-sided cruiser. All there vessels are powered by state of the art four stroke outboards and marine electronics. There are never more than 12 passengers in our vessels so you are assured an intimate experience with the whales and wildlife of the Salish Sea.
While whales can be spotted to varying degrees twelve months a year in these waters, the spring and summer months are by far the most exciting. The Southern Resident Orca Whales make southern Vancouver Island waterways their home from April through to the end of October. On any given day you may witness anywhere up to 78 Orca Whales. In addition, the Transient Orca Whales are sighted throughout the entire year.
Our trips are three to four hours long, depending upon the location of the whales. While the whales remain the primary focus of this tour, you will also observe other marine wildlife as well as experience the beautiful waterways of Southern Vancouver Island.
Yes! Cowichan Bay is strategically located in the heart of Southern Resident Orca Whale territory. With the help of a large whale spotting network, we are able to locate whales on most days during the spring and summer months. Our vessel can travel great distances in minimal time, ensuring more time spent with the whales.
We are proud to announce that in 2016 we had a success rate of 97% for the season. We are the most centrally located Whale Watching Company on Vancouver Island with the highest sighting of Orcas and Humpback Whales every year in British Columbia.
Rich and abundant marine wildlife are found along the shores of southern Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands. Orca Whales, Humpback Whales, Grey Whales, Minke Whales, Harbour and Dalls Porpoises, Sea Lions, Bald Eagles, and a variety of bird species make this unique region their home. The dramatic landscape of southern Vancouver Island is world-renown, and the rock bluffs, tidal pools, sandy beaches, and exhilarating ocean breeze are sure to provide you with an exciting and memorable west coast experience.